The boring life of a “Spiritual Stalemate”

It happened at a Minnesota high school basketball game on March 13, 2014. The crowd was buzzing, booing, and annoyed with the 2 teams and so they began to chant: “This is Boring!” (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap.)

Let me explain. Late in the second half, the score was tied 41-41 between Hopkins and Shakopee. This is when a bizarre twist of events descended upon the high school. Team Hopkins had the ball, crossed center court and simply stood there as the clock counted down from 2:42. Meanwhile, team Shakopee stood off in the distance and just stared at them. For the last 3 minutes of regulation, the ball wasn’t dribbled, the defense didn’t press, and the offense simply let the clock run out.

During the 1st overtime, Hopkins won the tip, walked across half court and stopped again holding the ball. Shakopee’s defense simply stared for the entire overtime which ended in a tie. Much of the same occurred in the 2nd, 3rd overtime. Finally, late in the 4th overtime, Hopkins threw a long 60 foot bomb which sank through the net to win the game.

What was remarkable about this game is that during the last 18 minutes of regulation and 4 overtimes, literally nothing happened. The game was in a stalemate. 10 men stood on the court and just held the ball. The coaches thought they would play the odds. And the crowd of witnesses, which were none too happy about the events, booed and chanted, “This is BORING!”

It’s one thing for a stalemate to occur on a basketball court, and quite another thing when God’s people stand around in a spiritual stalemate and simply hold the ball & do nothing.

Our culture is prone to spiritual stalemate. And the people of Israel in the Old Testament were also guilty of inactivity. They were simply standing around and not actively pressing on to know the Lord. For this reason, the prophet Hosea tells them:

“Press on to know the Lord.” (6:3)

“It’s time to seek the Lord.” (10:12)

In other words, with all the spiritual inactivity, Hosea shouted from the stands, “This is Boring!” (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap). Along with the great cloud of witnesses, they are cheering on God’s people. Press on! Press on! I can still hear my basketball coach from junior high screaming from the sidelines: “Press, press, press, press!” In other words, “Do something! Move! Get in the game!”

What about you? Where are you currently in a spiritual stalemate? Where are you holding the ball? Here are 7 indicators that we may be standing at half court doing nothing:

  • I have little excitement about the work God is doing.
  • Nothing drives me with passion about the Lord.
  • My prayer life is more lethargic than dynamic.
  • During Sunday worship, I am more of a spectator than a participant.
  • I am rarely using my gifts or talents to impact the church.
  • I have no spiritual goals or long term vision.
  • I have no holy ambition that drives me.

My friends, now is not the time to hold the ball at half court. It is time to “press on” and “seek the Lord.” Drive forward with passion. Realize that time is short and the clock is ticking. We are in the final minutes of history and the things we do with our lives can make a big difference.

After the basketball game in Minnesota which was known as a stalemate, the coach for Hopkins (Ken Novak) had his email inbox overflowing with hate mail from the crowd. They chastised him for ruining the game with his boring tactics. Yet, the coach still maintained he would do the same thing if he had a do-over. Some people just never learn.

Let me encourage you to overcome spiritual stalemate. If you’re standing at half court, doing nothing, with no holy ambition, and no place to serve, now is the time to press on and know the Lord. We are in the overtime hours of human history and every person matters. And surrounding all of us is a great cloud of witnesses who are chanting aloud: “He is coming!” (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap).