Ignite is where 5th and 6th grade students go on a Wednesday night. Ignite consists of large group teaching and small group interactions. It is the coolest place your 5th or 6th grader can be on a Wednesday night!


Wildfire is a high-energy ministry for students in grades 7-9. We meet every Wednesday at 6:30pm for 90 minutes of age-appropriate Bible teaching, great games, God honoring worship, and surprises that make each week unique.


Wildfire is a high-energy ministry for students in grades 7-9. We meet every Wednesday at 6:30pm for 90 minutes of age-appropriate Bible teaching, great games, God honoring worship, and surprises that make each week unique.


The Name Radiate comes from Exodus 34:29 where it says, pertaining to Moses, “He did not know that his face was radiating because he had been with God”. Every week we want students to have a “mountain top” experience with God like Moses did, so that when they leave Radiate each week and go back to their lives with friends, family and schoolmates they radiate the glory of the Lord. Our goal is for our students to radiate the Glory of the Lord in a way that everyone around them knows that they spent time with God.

Leadership Staff

Christian Brower

Christian Brower

KidZone and Student Ministries Pastor
Wesley Jarmusch

Richie Henson

Radiate Pastor (10th – 12th Grade)
Wesley Jarmusch

Chloé Miller

Wildfire Director (7th – 9th Grade)
Maddy VanSipe

Nic Bilderback

Ignite Director (5th & 6th Grade)
Maddy VanSipe

Maddy VanSipe