Dear New Hope,

I love Steve’s story.  Steve is a member at New Hope and is madly in love with Jesus.  But, back in the 1970’s, he was not following Christ.  And his story of coming to know the Lord is a fascinating glimpse at the importance of sowing seeds, even when it seems people aren’t listening.  Listen to his story from his own words:

“I was raised Christian Science so had a respect for God and Jesus but didn’t see a need for a personal savior.  From 1969-1972 I taught choir outside of Cincinnati, Ohio.  5 high students would always invite me to church or just share that Jesus is Lord.  I politely declined.  They happened to be the best singers in the choir.  Jesus Christ Superstar was just out and I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.  They came as a group to inform me that they could not participate in singing any of the music from that show because it was blasphemy.  Of course I excused them from singing it.  One rehearsal they stood up and sang “BLAS-PH-EMY” to the chorus of JE-SUS CHRIST.  I was amused.   They told me privately why it was blasphemous but I had other ideas.  One of the singers asked me to play on a Christian album with her and her mother.  I obliged and all the way over and back from the recording session they witnessed to me.  All of these events were firm in my memory but looking back it was like the parable of the sower; good seed was sown but it was dormant until March 1975. 

Christmas of 1974 found me leading a musical group called Newfound Spirit (not spiritual at all) and in Detroit.  My wife, Sara, had received Jesus as Lord and Savior months earlier but couldn’t really share with me.  Her request was that I read the New Testament as a book and not like Christian Science which teaches some scripture but with the needed explanation of their book Keys to the Scriptures.  

I began to see Jesus in a different way.  In March, our next door neighbor invited us to an Assembly of God Church in Charlevoix to hear a singer/evangelist.  We accepted the invitation to go and I responded immediately at the end of the service by giving my life to Jesus as Lord and Savior.  We were at the same church for 24 years before moving to Traverse City to become an elementary principal at Living God Christian School in 1999.”

Seed-sowers.  5 high school teens.  A wife.  A next door neighbor.  And finally a surrender to Christ at a church assembly.  This is why we must all sow seeds.  Some will reject.  Some will accept, but then fall away.  Others, like Steve, will embrace the word with joy, and will bear remarkable fruit in their lives for the sake of Jesus Christ.  Who is your Steve?  Where do you need to sow seed for the Lord?

Mark 4 is all about sowing seed.  I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler