Dear New Hope,

The last 4 weeks of ministry have been exceptionally busy. Preparations for fall ministry have been taking place at rapid succession. Long hours have been the norm as we have been recruiting, developing, and deploying leadership teams to commit to a strong ministry launch. And as of this weekend, here are the numerical results.

Starting September 9th, we have the following ministries committed:

22 Home Groups
22 Life Groups
7 Care Groups

And, of course, the strongest, most vibrant Student Ministries and KidZone I’ve ever seen begins September 12th.

This Sunday, we begin this massive rollout. A fabulous promotional piece will be put in your hands that will present the vision and then direct you to the website where you will find all the details for dates, times, and locations.

I’ve been at New Hope 19 years. I can say unequivocally, this is the most muscle we’ve ever put into the start of a fall ministry. Now, all we want is for you to connect with and commit to 1 of these 51 Groups.

The action begins this Sunday. Leaders are still being trained. The emotional excitement is growing. And all of this ministry is for God to do His work through you! To Him be the glory.

You are loved,
Craig Trierweiler