Dear New Hope,

When I was a senior in High School, I accepted a challenge to “Take my Bible to school.”  Every day, I would put it on my desk in the classroom, open for all to see.  Inevitably, classmates & teachers would ask questions every day about the Bible.  It was an amazing conversation starter and an opportunity to talk to people about God’s Word.

*This Sunday will remind us of our responsibility to shine God’sLight into the world.

In college, my wife and I had a teacher named Harold Foos.  When Harold was a young, poor, seminary student in the 1950’s, he and his wife had no money and no food in the house.  He went to a local meat market with 1 quarter and asked the butcher with hesitation and fear: “How much lunch meat can I get for a quarter?”  The butcher took a block of lunch meat out of the cooler and sliced the meat high and wide, an exceedingly generous portion, and gave it to young Harold.

*This Sunday will remind us of how exceedingly generous God is in his measurements toward us.

When I was just a young teenager, God used a cow farmer in my life to plant a seed of God’s word which has since sprouted over time into a large harvest.  This week, I talked to that cow farmer for the first time in over 25 years.  On Sunday, I will tell you the story of how God took a small word of his to produce big fruit.

*This Sunday will remind us that God can take even a small word or deed done for Him and multiply it to great impact.

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler