Dear New Hope,

Perhaps you have noticed we live in a day of enormous hostility between people groups.  Think of what we are facing in just the last few months:

Racial Divides:  ISIS is at war with the Western world; Black Lives Matter is colliding with Law Enforcement Officers; instability is causing many to be anxious about the future.

Political Tensions:  This is a volatile election year. The RNC and DNC are attacking each other with venom; some proudly advocate a “Never Trump” agenda; others are on the “Crooked Hillary” bandwagon.  And across the pond there is the Brexit vote which effectively pulls Britain out of the European Union because of concerns for immigration and national security.

Ethnic Turf War:  Syrian refugees continue to amass as Syria is being torn apart in a cultural war which has left 400,000 people dead.  Sudan continues to suffer ethnic unrest between Christians and Muslims.  Libya has been eroding in crisis.  Ukraine has suffered loss at the hands of Russia.  Turkey is dealing with a coup attempt that reveals a divided government.  And the list continues around the world.

The point is this:  Jesus’ day was no different. King Jesus entered into a world that was being torn apart by the Trifecta of world crisis.  There were racial divides between Jew and Gentile and Samaritans, political tensions between Rome and Judea, and ethnic turf war between the Pharisees and Herod.  The rule of law was teetering precariously.  King Caesar held power, but his rule in remote embassies like Jerusalem were subject to unrest and riotous crowds.  Israel wanted to break away from Rome and recreate their own independent Israel, free from the tyranny of imperial rule.  And even the internal politics between different groups of Pharisees and Sadducees created interesting religious turmoil.

Into this scene comes Jesus, who is declared to be King of the Jews and Light to the Nations!  No wonder He was such a volatile figure!

Alexander Solzhenitsyn lived during terrible political corruption and world crisis during the 1900’s in Russia.  As he turned his heart toward a Christian worldview, listen to his words:  “The line between good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties – but right through every human heart.”  This is where we need to keep our focus: On the human hearts in our homes, workplaces, and churches.

I find no hope when I read the Fox News app.  I simply find news of world terror and political unrest. 

I find no security when I watch Stephanopoulos on ABC.  I simply hear more information about how bad the world is.

I find no comfort watching snippets of the RNC convention.  I simply listen as politicians say that “the other candidate is worse and theirs is better.”

This is where I find hope, security and comfort:  Jesus Christ is King of the Jews and Lord of the Nations!  And at his banquet table, he has made room for all who call on the name of the Lord.  He has ousted Satan and his demons who attempted a heavenly coup.  He has the best national security force which welcomes people into the Kingdom who call on Jesus, but keeps out all evildoers who do not belong.  In Him, there is no distinction between ethnicities and there is healing for racial divides.  One day, at His feet, will gather people from every nation, tribe, tongue and language.  Law will be restored.  Justice will be done.  Mercy will be granted to the elect.  Every knee will bow before Jesus and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.

That is the true hope of America.  Jesus Christ. 

Sunday will take us to Mark 7-8 where this will serve as a backdrop to Jesus ministering among the Gentile world of “dogs” like you and I.  Dogs that are satisfied by the crumbs of our Master.

See you Sunday at 10am!

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler