Dear New Hope,

The role of the church is like that of John the Baptist in Mark 1 – proclaiming forgiveness and preparing people to meet the Lord.  There will come a day when we will see Jesus face to face.  Revelation 19 speaks of that day: “Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready.”  Many are not ready.  Which is why we continue to proclaim a gospel of repentance and forgiveness as we “prepare the way” of the Lord.  Every Sunday, like this weekend, we gather in worship to exalt Jesus, magnify His Word, and declare: He must increase; we must decrease. 

Are you ready?  Are you prepared?  John’s desire was for people to beready for the moment the Savior appeared.  That is our earnest desire.  To be used of God to prepare peoples’ hearts.

Part of being ready is gathering weekly with God’s people.  Many attend church out of convenience (when they want).  If that’s you, I challenge you to attend church out of commitment & necessity.  We all need this!  New Hope will start Sunday at 10a.m. to prepare the way!

Part of being ready is critical thinking over how to engage the culture with the gospel.  New Hope is uniting with 2 other gospel-centered churches for a conference called “Christ & Culture: responding to moral, religious and political challenges.”  I hope you’ll consider coming.  April 22-23.

Part of being ready is worship.  A worship concert is coming to New Hope where Big Daddy Weave will take the stage, but the only one lifted up and exalted will be Jesus Christ.  April 23.

Part of being ready is honoring one another above ourselves.  Our pastors and staff want to honor all New Hope Volunteers by serving you at a “Volunteer Gala”.  You are the honored guests – we are your servants.  Appetizers, dessert, and a gift for all, as we serve our volunteers at this formal event on April 30th.

Be ready.  Be prepared.  It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming.  We will exalt Jesus, who is the Living and Resurrected Lord of creation.

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler