Prayer: a core value.

One of New Hope’s Core Values is to be “Prayer Driven.” This means that, from planning to execution, all of our ministries are bathed in prayer. God is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine, so, we seek His wisdom and His power over man’s.

Opportunities for prayer:


Our prayer chapel is open 7 days a week, 24-hours a day. Show up any time and pray by yourself, or with a small group. You can write out prayers and leave them on the prayer wall, pray over a missions map, or simply seek the Lord in quiet or out loud. Our desire is for the prayer chapel to be always open and never empty.


Meet with a small group to pray for our Pastors and services on Sunday at 7:30am and 9:15am, in the prayer chapel.

Military Prayer
On the first Sunday of every month, join us at 9:30am in Room 210 as we pray for friends and relatives currently serving in the military.


Meet with a small group to pray for our Pastors and services on Sunday at 7:30am and 9:00am, in the prayer chapel.

Military Prayer
On the first Sunday of every month, join us at 9:30am in Room 210 as we pray for friends and relatives currently serving in the military.

Wednesday Evening Prayer

Gather together with the pastors and elders for worship and prayer from 5:00-5:45 pm on Wednesday evenings in the Ignite room (behind the 24-hour Prayer Chapel.)

Facebook Prayer Group

Join our “private” Facebook Prayer Group to partner with others in prayer. This is a great way to quickly and directly mobilize an entire team of intercessors to pray for you or your loved ones, or for you to receive these requests in a timely manner.

Facebook Prayer Group

Join our “private” Facebook Prayer Group to partner with others in prayer. This is a great way to quickly and directly mobilize an entire team of intercessors to pray for you or your loved ones, or for you to receive these requests in a timely manner.

Join our Online Prayer Team: Do you desire to intercede on behalf of the Body? Submitted prayer requests will be automatically sent to your email on a daily basis.