Dear New Hope,

This is an important Friday email where I will unfold:

  • 1 Opportunity
  • 1 Announcement
  • 1 Encouragement

First, an Opportunity: End Bible Poverty.
This Sunday, New Hope is unveiling an opportunity to partner with the “Seed Company” and financially support the translation of the gospel of “Luke” for a people group who do not have any Scripture in their language. The language is Oraja. The people are in India. The Seed Company is committed to “Bible Translation. Life Transformation.” Our missions committee is funding ½ of this campaign, which means that for only $17/verse you can help be part of sowing seed to an unreached people group. On Sunday, you will have the chance to “Adopt-a-verse” (or several verses) and give toward this opportunity. Already, one couple has adopted 100 verses. And another couple has adopted Luke 16. Whether you can adopt 1 verse or 50 verses, this window of opportunity will only be opened for a short time! Join us as we sow seed across the sea for the gospel.

Second, an announcement: Temporary KidZone Relocation
Parents of KidZoners, this is for you! Due to the ongoing construction and remodel of the KidZone wing, we have some partial relocation beginning this Sunday. The nursery, 3’s, 4’s and 5’s will all remain in their current classes. However, for children ages 6-12, KidZone will be moved to the Community Center on Sunday mornings. What we are asking of you parents is:

  • Drop off 6-12 year olds at Community Center before service.
  • Park in the Community Center Lot if possible.
  • Pick up 6-12 year olds at the Community Center after service.

This temporary ministry relocation will continue into the summer until the gym is safe to return to. In the meantime, pray for the next $100,000 to be given to the KidZone which would help us extend the construction to a key part of the KidZone worship area in preparation for fall ministry programming.

Third, an encouragement: The inn of mercy
This week, I read a book by Charles Spurgeon, who wrote: “The inn of mercy never closes its doors.” There are many of you who sow the seed of God’s word and pray earnestly for friends and family members to trust Christ as Lord. Some have wept over daughters. Others have begged God to save grandchildren. And others have persevered in sharing Christ in the workplace even though the ground seems so hard. Be encouraged, my friends: the inn of mercy never closes its doors. Keep sowing seed and trusting God with the results. One man plants – another waters – but God alone gives the increase. Years ago, after the Promise Production, many people gathered in a room in response to the call of salvation. Several minutes later, we had a knock on the door. I opened the door, and 2 older ladies were outside who said: “Is there still room?” Indeed there is always room at God’s inn. And his doors are open today. Be faithful to scatter His word and then rest at ease that God is good.

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler