Dear New Hope, I recently sat in a group with 7 parents who each shared their story about how opioid abuse has affected their families. It was emotional, tearful, painful, and yet mysteriously encouraging as people identified with the journey of other families. The reason? People need people. I recently met with a couple as they poured out their heart regarding the death of their son by suicide. It was a tender meeting mingled with tears and yet permeated with the hope of Jesus as the resurrection and the life. As I listened to their story, my heart was encouraged by their faith. The reason? People need people. I recently sat with a woman who is experiencing the pain of a troubled marriage. Her emotions were raw, her voice trembled, and the tears flowed. In the midst of the devastation, I was able to express heartfelt love and empathy and to reassure her that she is loved and cared for. The reason? People need people. Interestingly, there was a recent news article in the Wall Street Journal called “People Who Don’t Need People,” which identified a growing concern that baby boomers are becoming less socially engaged. In other words, people aged 55 to 64 “are deliberately choosing to disengage and be anti-social” and are beginning to “withdraw from meaningful engagement.” This kind of social disengagement has been shown to increase loneliness, fear, and even memory loss, and to decrease brain health and length of life. The reason? People actually do need people! In just under a month, New Hope will be unveiling a myriad of small group ministry opportunities where people can connect with people. The reason? People need people! Included in these opportunities will be at least 20 home groups around Northern Michigan and literally dozens of other small groups, including:
  • Women’s groups: Monday and Wednesday Women of the Bible study, Toward a Deeper Walk discipleship, Single Momms group, Undaunted, A Woman’s Heart by Beth Moore – women’s home group, Hope for Healing, and Ladies Game Night.
  • Men’s groups: R.E.A.L Men, Finding God’s will, Men’s Bible Study, Toward a Deeper Walk discipleship, and Freedom from Addiction.
  • Mixed groups: Young Marrieds, Young Families, Couples in Action, College ministry (Awl in), Bible Study Methods, Retired Connection, and Financial Peace University.
  • Care Groups: DivorceCare, DivorceCare for Kids, GriefShare, AA, a support group for families affected by the opioid crisis, and possible groups for families affected by suicide and also for survivors of abuse.
The reason New Hope is so committed to these ministries is that people need people. We were not designed to live life alone or to face the troubles of this life by ourselves. We need the support of others in times of need. We need the strength of others when we are weak. We need the wisdom that others provide when we lack knowledge. We need the encouragement of others to persevere. We were designed to live in community. In the next couple of weeks, the entire smorgasbord of small group opportunities will be laid out before you. Our staff has been working hard to develop quality groups and to make it easy for you to join them. Volunteer leaders have been stepping out in faith to lead and/or host groups. Training sessions for these leaders are on the horizon. And when we unveil these opportunities, all we ask is one thing: Find a group and sign up!  The reason? People need people! You are loved, and needed, Craig Trierweiler