Messes To Miracles

All of us have experienced it at different levels – your finances are crumbling; an addiction has sidelined you; domestic abuse continues; a job has been lost; a relationship is breaking; a death occurs; a faucet leak and a car break down. All of it leaves you feeling tired, weary and alone – sitting in a debris field of (what appears to be) a hopeless “Mess” – asking God, “Why? How long? Where are you?”

New Hope firmly believes that God is in the business of transforming messes to miracles. In fact, if you peel back all the layers of our ministry, at the core of our DNA is this principle: “Messes to Miracles.”

If you’re a Mess, you’re in good company at New Hope – because we are too. That really is our only prerequisite for being part of New Hope’s church family – a recognition that (apart from Christ) we are a hopeless mess. But in Christ, we have a living hope.

Messes To Miracles

All of us have experienced it at different levels – your finances are crumbling; an addiction has sidelined you; domestic abuse continues; a job has been lost; a relationship is breaking; a death occurs; a faucet leak and a car break down. All of it leaves you feeling tired, weary and alone – sitting in a debris field of (what appears to be) a hopeless “Mess” – asking God, “Why? How long? Where are you?”

New Hope firmly believes that God is in the business of transforming messes to miracles. In fact, if you peel back all the layers of our ministry, at the core of our DNA is this principle: “Messes to Miracles.”

If you’re a Mess, you’re in good company at New Hope – because we are too. That really is our only prerequisite for being part of New Hope’s church family – a recognition that (apart from Christ) we are a hopeless mess. But in Christ, we have a living hope.


Ann’s Story

Sara’s Story

Jason Story

Tim and Shawn’s Story


Randy’s Story

The Haleks’ Story

Jason Story

Jason’s Story


Rundles’ Story

Your Story

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, he said to his disciples, “and you will be my witnesses.” We aren’t called to be experts, just witnesses. If you’re a believer in Jesus Christ, you’re a witness, and you have a story! One of the best ways to make disciples is to simply share your story with others. Take a minute to write out your story. Share what your life was like “before Christ,” tell us how you came to know Christ, then tell us about the difference He’s made in your life. Send us your story using the form below.