Dear New Hope,

A few months ago during a membership class at New Hope, one of the men shared his story of coming to trust Christ as Lord.  He admitted that his entire life he was “looking for a loophole” to heaven – a way to do life his way, without ever surrendering to the Lord.  He bounced from church to church, looking for a way to circumvent God’s commands.  For decades he searched, but never could find a way into God’s Kingdom doing life on his own.  And then he came to New Hope, where he heard the gospel, accepted Jesus as Savior, and began to do life God’s way.

In that membership class, he said this:  “I found a loophole, and His name is Jesus Christ!”

Loophole-ism.  Mark 7 takes us on a journey through the dark hallways of loophole-ism.  People who try to be cleansed without coming to the Stain-Remover called Jesus.  People who try to fix their life from the outside-in through religious rituals, empty ceremonies, and strict legalism.   People who put lipstick on a pig, but don’t realize that pigs with lipstick still are wired to roll in the mud.

Scripture provides one loophole into eternal glory.  It says: “There is one God; and one Mediator between God and men; the man Christ Jesus.”  We are not saved because our momma had us baptized.  We are not saved because we went through confirmation classes.  We are not saved because we follow the rules or have better morals than Lady Gaga.  Scripture says:

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing.  It is a gift of God, not a result of works so that no one may boast.”

Today, for anyone looking for a loophole into God’s Kingdom, I have good news.  Scripture offers a loophole, and His name is Jesus Christ. 

He is faithful.  And you are loved.  See you Sunday.

Craig Trierweiler