The dying process is a filter for life priorities.  Like a new pair of glasses, it restores clarity to the most important things in life.  It boils the fat down until all that remains is the clear substance of top priorities.  For some, the death bed is full of regrets because they realize how much of life was wasted on nonessentials.  And for those of us who listen to the words of a dying loved one, their words often jolt us awake and act as a catalyst for change. 

I recently spent time with my former neighbor.  Steve and I sat together on a curb soaking in the sunshine, reminiscing about old times.  A disease was deteriorating his body.  He was weak.  His frame had shrunk because of his illness.  His eyes remained determined, but it was clear that time was growing short.  Steve said that his disease had clarified for him what mattered most in life.  “Craig,” he said, “I now see life as a pyramid.  At the top of the pyramid is what matters most:  God and family.  Below that is everything else…business; money; stuff that really doesn’t matter.”  I prayed with Steve.  I prayed about the hope of resurrection; the promise of eternity.  He hugged me and thanked me for stopping by.

About a week later, Steve died and entered eternity.

Listen to Steve.  Think of how much time we spend spinning plates on “nonessential stuff” in the lower part of the pyramid.  We buy stuff we don’t need, with money we don’t have, to impress people we don’t like…and then we spend time fixing things that don’t run, insuring things we don’t use, only to sell things to people we don’t know.  It’s madness!

Listen to Steve.  What if we began to invest more intentionally in the top 2 priorities:  God and family?  What would change?  Who would you schedule time with this week?  Who would you go to visit?  What would you stop doing?  What would you start doing? 

This Sunday, we are in Mark 9.  Jesus talks about death and resurrection.  It is a reminder that life is short and after this momentary existence we will “stand up again” in new bodily life.  The top 2 priorities remain the same through the ages:  God and family.  Let’s spend more time living at the top of the pyramid.

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler