The New Hope KidZone loves summer ministry.  We can’t wait for the last week of school to finish so we can start with camp. Summer in the KidZone brings all types of kids and families out of the woodwork.  There are athletic, sports-minded kids that come for Baseball, Softball, Soccer and Basketball Camps.  There are kids who love outdoor adventure and nature that come to our Adventure Camps.  Kids who love art and drama come to our Fine Arts Camp in July.  Those who play instruments, sing, and run tech enjoyed our first-ever Worship Arts Camp.  Our KidZone worship team even got to sing songs of praise in the Cherry Festival Parade!

While the types of camps that took place this summer varied greatly, the goal for all of them was the same: that kids would know who Jesus is and understand His plan for salvation.  Each camp had dozens of families that have no connection to New Hope – some with no connection to any church at all!  But at the end of every week, we make it very clear that everything we do is done for the glory of our God!

Could you take a few minutes and pray for two things this morning?  First, pray for all the kids that heard the gospel for the first time this summer.  Pray that they would understand and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  I know of many kids who made a profession this summer whose parents are not yet believers in Jesus!  Pray that their family tree would be changed because of the intervention of Jesus in their lives.  Also, please pray for the teens and parents who helped in all the camps this summer.  It takes hundreds of dedicated people who love our kids to do camps well – and we are grateful for them.  Take a look at the pictures below and please take some time this morning to pray for both the kids in the pictures, and the leaders who took the time to lead them closer to our Savior.

Pastor Christian Brower

Summer Camps 2016 Recap