Dear New Hope,

The gospel is “news that brings joy.”  And that is the entire story of God’s Word. It is a book about the redemptive plan of God to rescue a people for His glory through His Son Jesus Christ. For sinners, this is remarkable good news!  And this is why Mark wrote his book: to testify to the gospel.

For over 25 years, New Hope has preached this gospel: Glorifying Christ; Encouraging saints; Redeeming sinners. In a culture where many “churches” have abandoned the gospel, we count it a joy to remain faithful to this calling.

Read this testimony we received following the sermon on Mark 1:

“Thank you for all your messages but especially yesterday’s. I am so thankful that you preach the Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ!  I attended a service in Chicago last week where the gospel was not even mentioned and the sermon was about material food not even mentioning spiritual food. It was so disheartening that the opportunity to rejoice and be instructed in what Jesus has accomplished for us was minimized. Communion was a part of the service so I could only wish that Jesus as the bread of life might have been the theme. Thank you that I never wish that about your preaching and our services.”

And let me say to you, New Hope: thank you for being the type of congregation that listens to God’s Word and readily obeys it. You are rare. You are a joy. And I pray that God the Father continues to sanctify us, through His Holy Spirit, as we follow in the footsteps of His Son, Jesus.

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler