Dear New Hope,

One New Hope man tangled deep in the snare of sin was confronted by our pastors a while back.  After a long season of rebellion, rejecting God’s word, addiction, and walking away from the church, this man has now returned to Christ, repented, and is walking in freedom.  He wrote me last week:
“I am so grateful that God never gave up on me. I am living proof that God still performs miracles today.”

God never gives up on you.  And neither does New Hope!

We have verifiable proof that God is performing miracles, pursuing sinners, and working mightily at New Hope:

· The gospel of God is proclaimed faithfully & boldly.
· The word of God is received with full conviction of the Holy Spirit.
· The word of God is received with joy even in the midst of affliction.
· The word of God is sounding forth as people make Him known around the community.
· People are turning to worship the true & living God.
· People are finding hope and encouragement in the God of resurrection.

All of these evidences come from 1 Thessalonians 1.  And all are true of God’s work at New Hope.

I praise God that His word is proclaimed and treasured.  I praise God that His word is received and put into action.  I praise God that His word is producing joy in our hearts. I praise God for salvations and life-altering decisions because of his word.

In other words: “I am so grateful that God never gave up on me. I am living proof that God still performs miracles today.”

My friend, God is in the miracle business.  And Christ, our Lord, is the remarkable Son of God.  Come to New Hope this Sunday to worship Him!

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler