When life is out of control, how do you respond?

Some get angry. Attempting to control, some people apply downward pressure of persuasion or argumentation, writing their emails in ALL CAPS (digitally yelling) as they try to direct outcomes and people in the way they demand it. One author wrote, “We hate the feelings that come with unfix-able and uncontrollable moments. We do not know how to do a day with unfixed feelings, so we flail about and knock the dishes off the counters instead.” (Zach Eswine, The Imperfect Pastor)

Some get anxious. Fearful that a situation is out of control, some people retreat into caves of hibernation, thinking things will never get better and growing paranoid that everyone is against them. When controllers realize they are not in control, their world begins to collapse. One author admitted that his lack of control pushed him into the emergency room. I was a controller who’d found he couldn’t control anymore…I was a wreck physically and mentally. During the roughest stretch, I was in a different doctor’s office every week. I couldn’t sleep through the night.” (Louie Giglio, Goliath Must Fall).

Admission: I’m a controller who has shared in Eswine’s anger. I’m a controller who has shared in Giglio’s anxiety. I desperately need this reminder: “Christ is in control, not Craig.

Think of how few things in life we actually can control.

Children? Not a chance. Parents may try to establish boundaries and enforce rules such as curfews, but ultimately the hearts of our children are completely out of our control.

Spiritual growth in others? Nope. Pastors may desire their people to grow and marriages to mend, but almost everything pastors want God to do in the hearts of the people is outside their control.

Career? Nope. Sure, we can prove our value by working hard & doing it all with integrity. But even the most revered leader faces trials outside their control at times.Even Bill Hybels is experiencing this as he steps down from Willow Creek Church this week after 42 years of pastoral leadership. Pray for him as he rests in the truth that God remains firmly in control.

In 2 Samuel 15, King David’s life was spiraling out of control. He was losing his kingdom and his city. His son had turned on him. Friends had betrayed him.Counselors had left him. Enemies were insulting him. His power and authority were stripped away from him. He was a king without a crown…a revered leader without a people.

As he was leaving the city, notice his posture of surrender as he trusted that God was ultimately in control:
“Then the king said to Zadok, “Carry the ark of God back into the city. If I find favor in the eyes of the Lord, he will bring me back and let me see both it and his dwelling place. But if he says, ‘I have no pleasure in you,’ behold, here I am, let him do to me what seems good to him.””

Fellow control freaks, take note! David does not know the outcome of this moment.He doesn’t know If he will return. He doesn’t know If he will be on the run forever. His entire future is uncertain, and yet he trusts his situation to the God of the universe: “Let him do to me what seems good to him.

What situations are you facing that are outside of your control?

  • Prodigal children? Trust God with them. He is in control.
  • Financial disruption? You can trust God with that too. He is in control.
  • Unexpected transitions? God is faithful. He is in control.
  • Unplanned pregnancy? God is the giver of life. He is in control.
  • Relational stress? God is a faithful friend. He is in control.

A popular song when I was growing up said this:

God is in control
We believe that His children will not be forsaken
God is in control
We will choose to remember and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside Him, we know
God is in control, oh God is in control

My friends, God is in control. Keep praying with your church family during 40 days of praying the Rule and Reign of the Risen Savior. This entire 40 days leading up to Pentecost is a reminder that we worship a Savior who is not only risen, but is seated at the right hand of God with power and authority over the universe. Trust Him today with your life.


You are loved,

Pastor Craig