Dear New Hope,

First, some exciting news! This Sunday after morning worship, we are opening the doors of the KidZone for a special OPEN HOUSE Celebration! Phase 1 is nearing completion and we want to give you an opportunity to see the progress before the fall ministry season begins. Remember: Though we rejoice in the $725,000 of generosity, we still have financial need for Phase 1. If God has been prompting you in any way to give, I urge you to be a part of supplying for this need as we continue our commitment to a debt-free ministry.

Now, for an Ecclesiastes “rewind.” Last year, New Hope spent several months studying Ecclesiastes. It’s a book in the Bible that reminds us that life can be hard, frustrating, and feel like a meaningless cycle of conundrums. It reminds us that relationships don’t always work out fair, hard work can be wasted, crooked things can’t be straightened, and fulfillment in life can be elusive, like chasing the wind. That is how the Rich Young Ruler feels in Mark 10. His pockets are full, but his heart is empty. His 401k is stocked, but he is spiritually bankrupt. So, he comes to Jesus, with a genuine desire to fill the deep hole in his heart.

When my wife and I first got married, she taught me a song that she had learned as a young girl in children’s church. Its simple words are rather catchy & theologically profound:

“Life without God’s love, is like a donut –
like a donut – like a donut.

Life without God’s love, is like a donut.
There a hole in the middle of your heart.”

What hole are you trying to fill? What are you trying to fill it with?

I read a story recently of Mariah Carey. When she was in her late 20’s, she had more #1 hits than anyone but Elvis. During an interview, she was asked about her success, her possessions, and her fame. The interviewer asked Mariah what was left for her to accomplish. Her response was stunning: “Happiness.” What? How could that be? The interviewer poked & prodded as to what she meant. Mariah responded, saying that she could hear 1,000 praises and then just 1 criticism…and the 1 criticism would overrule the 1,000 praises and wreck her emotionally! Ecclesiastes in today’s world.

My friend, if you are trying to fill your life with affirmation, one criticism will wreck you.

If you are trying to fill your life with wealth, one financial loss will devastate you.

If you are trying to fill your life with love, one lost relationship will crush you.

If you are trying to fill your life with anything but Jesus, you will find yourself chasing the wind.

We need Mark 10. I need Mark 10. We need the reminder that the Lord Jesus is the only one who has resources to fill the emptiness in our hearts.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we celebrate a Risen Savior and Coming King.

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler