The Future is for Mosques

Dear New Hope, Last week, my wife and I were in the Netherlands. While there, we met 6 new friends for dinner. During the discussion, the question finally came my direction: “So, what do you do?” Over the years, this is the question that always alters conversation...

Watch Your Blind Spot!

A short email about a really big problem Dear New Hope, The “blind spot” is that place by your back bumper where your mirrors are no help in identifying a car right next to you. As my daughter learns to drive, looking over your shoulder to “the blind spot”...

Ecclesiastes Strikes Again

Dear New Hope, First, some exciting news! This Sunday after morning worship, we are opening the doors of the KidZone for a special OPEN HOUSE Celebration! Phase 1 is nearing completion and we want to give you an opportunity to see the progress before the fall ministry...

America in a Convergence Zone

Dear New Hope, “The God of the Bible has sent his church into the world to tell the truth about himself.” So writes Al Mohler in his book “We Will Not Be Silent.” In my brief analysis of the massive shift toward secularization we have experienced in American culture,...

KidZone Loves Summer!

The New Hope KidZone loves summer ministry.  We can’t wait for the last week of school to finish so we can start with camp. Summer in the KidZone brings all types of kids and families out of the woodwork.  There are athletic, sports-minded kids that come for...