Hey Siri, Why Do I Feel Lonely?

(Regaining Our Humanity in the Age of Technology) I don’t even have to touch my phone anymore. I simply say two magic words, “Hey, Siri,” and the girl wakes up, listens to my voice, and follows my command. It’s a marriage made in heaven! Except, she’s a robot,...

A Biblical Filter for Sexual Fantasy

When was the last time you read a biblical perspective on sexual fantasy? I realize that bringing up the issue is bound to make some of you nervous and others blush; it even has the potential to offend if not handled carefully.  My goal is simple: I want to present a...

“I’m Sorry” Doesn’t Have to Cost Millions

  Dear New Hope, Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to say those two words, “I’m sorrrrrrrry”? Maybe you’ve had a conflict with a spouse and said things you shouldn’t have. Inside your heart, you know what the right thing to do is–go to your spouse and...

Online Validation vs. Holy Spirit Inspiration

  2,617. That’s how many times a day the “average person taps, pokes, pinches, or swipes their personal phones.” (WSJ, May 17, 2018).  Think of it!  2,617 touches on your phone throughout the day.  For the average user this results in a whopping 2 hours and 25...