Where Did the “Pop-in” Visits Go?

Dear New Hope, This Christmas, my wife and I were in Kansas celebrating my mother-in-law’s 70th birthday when their microwave suddenly died. The next morning, I travelled 2 hours to a Home Depot, loaded a microwave in a rental car, and prepared for my return drive....


Dear New Hope, What do you wish was never invented? I got a good laugh out of an article by Joe Queenan about things in culture that desperately need to be “De-invented” because “the world would be a very different place if certain things had never been invented.”...

Launching Your Children to be Successful

Dear New Hope, My transformation from a controlling parent to a cheerleading parent began in 2016. After attending a parenting conference featuring speaker Paul Tripp, I recognized that my attempts to control the decisions of my children were driven by the fear that...

Get Off Your Cell Phone and Focus On Your Children

Dear New Hope, I remember the days when we had 4 children under the age of 5. For several years we lived in a fog of confusion. Hours dragged by. Days were long. Sleep was minimal. Diapers were expensive. Joy was scarce. The survival and care of our children seemed to...

Caring for Aging Parents: A Biblical Perspective

Dear New Hope, I still remember the uncomfortable tension at Grandma Trierweiler’s house as she battled through the final stages of dementia. I was a young adult in college, and it was the first time I had witnessed the significant health decline of a family member...