Sowing Seed – Steve’s Story

Dear New Hope, I love Steve’s story.  Steve is a member at New Hope and is madly in love with Jesus.  But, back in the 1970’s, he was not following Christ.  And his story of coming to know the Lord is a fascinating glimpse at the importance of sowing seeds, even when...

God’s Transformational Work

Dear New Hope, Every week at New Hope there is evidence of God’s transformational work. Last Sunday was no exception as people testified in baptism. In case you missed it, read some of highlights: 2 KidZone girls: “I am showing the world I love Jesus!” 1 Jr. High...

Love My City 2016

So often, it is not a church building where a person will first see the love of Christ. It is in the conversations and actions of a Christian who desires to go out and be the church.  Two years ago, New Hope decided not to be content with the community coming to our...

Let’s Love Our City!

Dear New Hope, One of the things I am most thankful for about the entire New Hope family is that we are known throughout the community for “Loving our City!”  We are known as gracious servants, generous givers, lovers of good, folks who meet needs, and joyful...

3…2…1…Action Steps!

Dear New Hope, I praise God for a man from New Hope who took me to breakfast 5 years ago and challenged my sermons to become better.  He said: “Craig, at the end of your sermons, tell me what you want me to do.”  That challenge helped bring shape to what would later...

God never gave up on me! God still performs miracles!

Dear New Hope, One New Hope man tangled deep in the snare of sin was confronted by our pastors a while back.  After a long season of rebellion, rejecting God’s word, addiction, and walking away from the church, this man has now returned to Christ, repented, and is...