Reflections on the Death & Resurrection:

Reflections on the Death & Resurrection:

Dear New Hope, A week from today is Good Friday.  The reason why we can call Friday “good” is because Jesus conquered the grave on Easter Sunday.  As the old hymn says, Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes, He arose a Victor from the...
Accepting Injustice without Going to Court

Accepting Injustice without Going to Court

Dear New Hope, Nobody likes injustice. We want what we deserve, and we want wrongdoers to pay. We want victory, and we want people on the other side of the aisle to experience defeat. The desire for justice and equality are God-given qualities, hardwired into us by a...
Tuning Out the Preacher

Tuning Out the Preacher

Dear New Hope, Techy people on staff tell me that this weekly article is sent to 1816 email addresses but is only opened by around 490 people. From the very start, 77% of recipients tune me out before the first sentence. Furthermore, a good percentage of people who...
A Case for a Quill and Ink Pot

A Case for a Quill and Ink Pot

Dear New Hope, There is great irony in what I am about to say. I will be making a case for the power of sending handwritten notes, although this note will be sent out via a mass communication email. I pray you will forgive such blatant hypocrisy. After George H.W....
Evicting the Trierweiler Frown

Evicting the Trierweiler Frown

Dear New Hope, I have been accused of being intimidating. My wife has said it, my kids have suggested it, and my kids’ friends have affirmed it. For many years, I would deny such ridiculous accusations, defending that I am a truly joyful person while simultaneously...