Don’t be Snoopy!

Addressing the all-too familiar problem of meddling Years ago, my friend returned home from work and walked in the front door to discover a stranger snooping through his fridge looking for something to eat.  “Dude, what are you doing?”  Nobody likes strangers snooping...

Why we are still married after 21 years

This weekend marks my 21st anniversary with my wife, Kori. We were 19 years old when we married, unprepared in so many ways, yet madly in love. Proverbs 18:22 says “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” I consider myself...

Anxiety…in the age of Nomophobes!

  Are you a Nomophobe? Do you struggle with Nomophobia? I think I’m precariously on the brink. Psychologists are now helping patients deal with an anxiety disorder called “Nomophobia,” which is short for “no-mobile-phobia.” Specifically, it is people who experience...

This Is Boring!

The boring life of a “Spiritual Stalemate” It happened at a Minnesota high school basketball game on March 13, 2014. The crowd was buzzing, booing, and annoyed with the 2 teams and so they began to chant: “This is Boring!” (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap.) Let me...

The Older I Get, the Less I Know

  I can still hear my brother’s voice. I was a teenager doing something stupid (as usual,) and my older brother who was clearly annoyed by my actions would say: “Craig, how can you be so smart but have no common sense?” It turns out that age has not improved my...