The Gospel at New Hope

Dear New Hope, The gospel is “news that brings joy.”  And that is the entire story of God’s Word. It is a book about the redemptive plan of God to rescue a people for His glory through His Son Jesus Christ. For sinners, this is remarkable good news!...

Prepare the Way!

Dear New Hope, The role of the church is like that of John the Baptist in Mark 1 – proclaiming forgiveness and preparing people to meet the Lord.  There will come a day when we will see Jesus face to face.  Revelation 19 speaks of that day: “Let us rejoice and exult...

Gospel of Mark!

Dear New Hope, In 1st century Israel when followers of the Lord would enter the synagogue for worship, the “hazzan” (or overseer) would begin the service by bringing in a scroll of God’s Scripture.  He would walk through the synagogue as people celebrated God’s Word...