Evicting the Trierweiler Frown

Evicting the Trierweiler Frown

Dear New Hope, I have been accused of being intimidating. My wife has said it, my kids have suggested it, and my kids’ friends have affirmed it. For many years, I would deny such ridiculous accusations, defending that I am a truly joyful person while simultaneously...

Where Did the “Pop-in” Visits Go?

Dear New Hope, This Christmas, my wife and I were in Kansas celebrating my mother-in-law’s 70th birthday when their microwave suddenly died. The next morning, I travelled 2 hours to a Home Depot, loaded a microwave in a rental car, and prepared for my return drive....


Dear New Hope, What do you wish was never invented? I got a good laugh out of an article by Joe Queenan about things in culture that desperately need to be “De-invented” because “the world would be a very different place if certain things had never been invented.”...

Launching Your Children to be Successful

Dear New Hope, My transformation from a controlling parent to a cheerleading parent began in 2016. After attending a parenting conference featuring speaker Paul Tripp, I recognized that my attempts to control the decisions of my children were driven by the fear that...