Dear New Hope,

I praise God for a man from New Hope who took me to breakfast 5 years ago and challenged my sermons to become better.  He said: “Craig, at the end of your sermons, tell me what you want me to do.”  That challenge helped bring shape to what would later be called “Action Steps” at the end of each sermon – showing practical ways to respond by obeying God’s Word.

Biblically, “action steps” are hinted at in the book of James, who says: “be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”  In other words, this is a biblical warning to people who regularly hear the word but fail to obey it.  Being a “hearer” only and not a “doer” will lead to dead orthodoxy: believing the right things without it leading to a changed life.

I praise God for ongoing testimonies that people share regarding how God’s Word is calling them to action.  Here are three “action step” testimonies from last Sunday:

(A New Hope dad) “I needed to be reminded to stop walking past people in need.

(A New Hope mom minutes after Sunday Service) “Thank you for your message today!  The Lord touched my heart to be more intentional about connecting people to Jesus. It did not take long for the Lord to give me the opportunity – After church I stopped at a shopping center & saw a lady struggling in the rain with a flimsy coat hanger trying to unlock her car!…As the rain fell I approached her.  She told me it was her daughter’s car, who was working 60 hours a week & going to college. Long story short, I said: “I have a AAA membership & I can help.” I called a wrecker, we waited in the car. She kept saying “thank you so much!”  I said “Oh, I have had many people help me out when I needed it.”  We talked some more, then I told her of our message this morning in Mark 2, of the paralytic, his friends & Jesus, & the length they went to get their friend to Jesus, & how we were challenged to give physical help, & spiritually lead people to Jesus; she listened intently.  Wrecker came – daughter came out of the store to see what was going on with her car -wrecker leaves. The three of us chatted a little more; we hugged, started to part & the Mom said “that was some story you told me that just today your Pastor told you.”  I smiled & invited them to New Hope 10:00 am.  It’s a great day!!! Thank you for the reminder of the call on our lives as Christians.

(A New Hope couple faced with challenges of caring for adult sonOur hearts were heavy with the overwhelming feeling of helplessness in our son’s ongoing battle…Going to church was not an option that morning as we were greatly needed at home.  However, we were blessed with the ability to join our New Hope family via live streaming.  The timing of Sunday’s message from the book of Mark regarding the paraplegic was impeccable as we were living out a similar scenario involving a disabled family member.  It is amazing how God already had words of comfort written through you as you prepared your Sunday morning message days in advance…A man was in need and a few people stepped up, they broke through some barriers and probably endured a bit of ridicule. Yet, they persevered and the end result was a great witness. In closing, you provided us with an action step. For me personally, this challenge is to unite families throughout our region who have a heart and a desire to see their loved ones live a safe, meaningful, and vibrant life fully engaged with the people of Christ…”

I am excited for this Sunday.  More great words from a Remarkable Savior out of Mark 2.  He is a friend of sinners!   Are you?

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler