Dear New Hope,

Every week at New Hope there is evidence of God’s transformational work. Last Sunday was no exception as people testified in baptism. In case you missed it, read some of highlights:

  • 2 KidZone girls: “I am showing the world I love Jesus!”
  • 1 Jr. High girl: “I want to make her faith in Jesus public!”
  • 1 young man grew up wondering who God was. He came to Jr. High at New Hope: “I truly came to accept Jesus as my holy Savior.”
  • 1 young woman said “Before New Hope, I lived a life of rebellion…” Later, she was led to faith by her mother-in-law: “I broke into tears and proclaimed my love for the Lord.”
  • 1 man was “driven to the cross for salvation” through tragedy, pain & sickness.
  • 1 woman had a past of anxiety & depression, but expressed her faith & her future in Christ her Savior.
  • 1 woman renounced Mormon faith and declared her faith in Jesus as Lord.
  • 2 sisters grew up in “church” but did not have a relationship with Jesus until their 30’s: “I have turned my life over to Jesus and He has been faithful in transforming me!”
  • 1 man addicted to drugs & alcohol entered the hospital due to heart attack. “A man from New Hope stopped in to talk to me about Jesus Christ & how He could save me…11 days later in rehab, a Doctor led me to the Lord…I went from living with Hells angels to following Heavens angels.”
  • 1 woman was empty & disconnected with God…until she came know Christ after her dad passed away. At New Hope, she said: “The Word of God has filled my soul with his unending love”.
  • 1 man grew up “knowing about the Lord,” but came to truly know Christ at New Hope and embrace that Jesus died for him.
  • 1 woman was a battered wife for 14 years. She said: “I found Jesus the Sunday Pastor Craig said he was so sorry to all battered women. I cried for hours; I felt everything come out of me – my anger; my dead belief; bitterness; hatred; self-pity. I was angry for 30 years…so close to ending my life many times. Now, I have so much love for Jesus and surrender my life to Him.”

And then there is the Love My City testimonies coming in. People in the community awed by the love being expressed and the gifts being given. One testimony here will suffice:
I just want to say THANK YOU so much for the wonderful acts of kindness and generosity from the hearts of New Hope folks…When a body of people puts heart, mind and soul to work – coupled with prayer and petition great things are ALWAYS the result. Thank you – thank you – thank you New Hope-ians!! Your efforts make such a difference in the greater Grand Traverse region and speak so wonderfully of Jesus’ love.”

I hope you sense how blessed we are to have a church like New Hope! I give glory to God for you all and praise Him for how faithfully you testify to God’s goodness.

You are loved,

Craig Trierweiler